Can’t Wait for Native Apps? Add Cyph to Your Home Screen with This Quick Tip

With the release of Angular 2 we now have a straightforward path toward porting Cyph to native apps, and

are hard at work on doing so. (Sign up here to get on our accounts waitlist and be notified when apps are released.) If you can’t wait until then, here’s how to add Cyph to your home screen, which will allow you to launch it like a regular app.



  1. Launch Chrome for Android
  2. Navigate to
  3. Open the Chrome menu, and select ‘Add to Home Screen’
  4. Optionally alter the name of the shortcut before saving

Now all you have to do to start a new Cyph is click the shortcut you just added.



  1. Launch Safari
  2. Navigate to
  3. Click the action icon, and select ‘Add to Home Screen’
  4. Optionally alter the name of the shortcut before saving

      Tip: If you want to go straight into a video call (iOS/Safari is unsupported), you can follow the same steps, but with instead

Josh Boehm :Former SpaceXer - Co-founder and COO of Cyph